Which Google Analytics Plugin For WordPress Is The Best?

Question: Which Google Analytics Plugin For WordPress Is The Best?

Our experts say.

Wordpress is a powerful content management system that gives you the ability to track visitors to your website using a variety of Analytics plugins. In this article we’ll explore which Google Analytics plugin is the best forWordPress and provide step by step instructions on how to get it set up. Estimated Time for Completion: 10-15 minutes.

Step by Step Directions:
1. Begin by logging in to your WordPress Admin Dashboard.
2. In the left hand panel, navigate to Plugins > Add New.
3. In the search box type in “Google Analytics”.
4. Review the search results and choose the plugin from MonsterInsights that is currently the highest rated.
5. Click “Install Now” and wait for the plugin to install.
6. Once the installation is complete, click “Activate”.
7. After the plugin is activated, click “Let’s go” and choose your website’s profile to connect.
8. Copy the code that MonsterInsights presents and paste it into the corresponding website.
9. Return to the WordPress dashboard and click “Next”.
10. You will be guided on how to set up Google Analytics on WordPress.
11. When the setup is complete, click “Finish”
12. MonsterInsights is now installed and your website’s visitors can be tracked with ease.

Google Analytics is a powerful analytics plugin for WordPress that allows users to track their website visitor data with up to date insights. Using the MonsterInsights plugin is the best way to connect to Google Analytics with WordPress. Follow the steps provided here and you will be able to successfully set up and activate MonsterInsights in 10-15 minutes. Once MonsterInsights is activated, you can use it to track the data of visitors to your website, enabling you to make more informed decisions about how to grow your website traffic.


