Question: How To Redirect WordPress Page To Another Url?
Our experts say.
Creating a redirect in WordPress can be a relatively simple task, depending on whether youre using a plugin or setting up a redirect manually.
Step-by-Step Guide:
1. Login to your WordPress Dashboard.
2. Install and activate the Redirection plugin.
3. Go to Tools > Redirection.
4. Click Add New.
5. Enter the source URL (the page you want to redirect) in the Source URL field.
6. Enter the destination URL (the page you want to redirect to) in the Target URL field.
7. Select the type of redirect in the Options drop-down menu.
8. Click Add Redirect.
Estimated Time to Complete: 10 minutes
Guidance: For more information on creating redirects in WordPress, take a look at the official WordPress Codex article on creating redirects. Additionally, you can find more information on the official WordPress forums, where experienced WordPress users can answer your questions.