How To Edit Categories In WordPress?

Question: How To Edit Categories In WordPress?

Our experts say.

Editing categories in WordPress is a relatively simple process that takes no more than a few minutes to complete. In this guide, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to edit categories in WordPress, as well as any guidance a user might follow to learn more about their question or expand their learning about WordPress.

To begin, log in to your WordPress dashboard. From the dashboard, go to the Posts tab on the left-hand side and select Categories. This will bring up the list of all of your current categories. From here, you can either add new categories or edit existing ones. To edit an existing category, simply click on the name of the category you want to edit. This will bring up the category form which will allow you to edit the category name, slug, parent, and description. Once you’ve made your changes, click the Update button to save your changes.

It should take no more than a few minutes to complete the task of editing categories in WordPress. If you want to learn more about WordPress and categories, there are plenty of resources available online. WordPress has its own documentation, as well as many tutorials and guides on the topic. Additionally, there are many forums and discussion boards where you can ask questions and get answers from experienced WordPress users.

In summary, editing categories in WordPress is a relatively simple process that can be completed in a few minutes. There are many resources available online if you want to learn more about WordPress and categories.


