How To Share A Draft Page In WordPress?

Question: How To Share A Draft Page In WordPress?

Our experts say.

Creating a draft page in WordPress is a simple process that can be completed in just a few minutes. To get started, log in to your WordPress dashboard and click on Pages > Add New. Give your page a title and add any content you wish to include. When you’re ready to share the page, click on the ‘Publish’ button in the right sidebar. On the Publish box, select ‘Save as Draft’.

Now you will be able to share a link to the draft page with collaborators. To do this, hover over the ‘Preview’ button on the Publish box and select the ‘Share Draft’ link. You can now copy the URL, or press the ‘Share Draft’ button to generate a shareable link. This link can then be sent to anyone you wish to collaborate with.

Overall, it should take no longer than 5-10 minutes to complete this task. For further guidance and information, you may wish to consult WordPress’ Official Documentation page or reach out to a WordPress expert in your network.


