Question: How To Delete A Website On WordPress?
Our experts say.
Deleting a website on WordPress can be a daunting experience, however the steps are straightforward. This guide will provide step-by-step directions on how to delete a website and uninstall WordPress from your hosting.
Step-by-Step Directions:
1. The first step is to backup your website by going to “Tools” and selecting “Export”.
2. From the WordPress dashboard, go to “Tools” and then select “Delete” to delete the website.
3. The next step is to connect to your hosting via FTP. You can use a software program such as FileZilla for this.
4. Once you’ve connected to your hosting, you’ll want to delete the WordPress files from the hosting directory.
5. The last step is to delete the database associated with the website. To do this, go to your hosting control panel and delete the corresponding database.
Estimated Time for Completion: 15 minutes
We recommend using the BackupBuddy plugin for WordPress for backing up your website prior to delete it. This plugin allows users to get complete website backups in a few clicks. It is easy to use and gives you the flexibility to backup to local destinations and cloud-based services.