Question: How To Make WordPress Site Mobile Friendly?
Our experts say.
Introduction: In today’s world, having a mobile-friendly website is extremely important. Consumers access the internet frequently on their phones and tablets, making it important for websites to be optimized for these devices. This guide will take you through the steps necessary to make sure your website is mobile friendly.
Step by Step Directions:
1. Make sure your WordPress theme is responsive. Responsive WordPress themes adjust the layout of your website in order to fit different screen sizes. Look for themes that specifically state they are mobile-friendly or responsive. (Estimate Completion Time: 10 minutes)
2. Install a plugin that can help with your mobile optimization. Jetpack is a great plugin with a whole suite of mobile-friendly functionality. Jetpack also has a “Mobile Theme” feature that makes it easy to tailor your website for different devices. (Estimated Completion Time: 10 minutes)
3. Check for common issues on your website. Make sure the text is large enough for mobile users to read and that images don’t take an unnecessarily long time to load. An easier way to do this is to use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test, which helps you identify potential problems. (Estimated Completion Time: 30 minutes)
4. Utilize caching. Caching helps your site to load faster by storing certain elements on the visitor’s computer so they don’t have to be downloaded every time. WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache are two popular plugins that can help. (Estimated Completion Time: 10 minutes)
Estimated Time for Completion: 1 hour
Recommendations: We recommend using the following plugins to make your WordPress website mobile-friendly: Jetpack (mobile-friendly feature and suite of mobile-friendly functionality), Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test (identify potential problems), WP Super Cache (helps website load faster), and W3 Total Cache (helps website load faster).